AI Principle Guidelines

At Overit, as we venture deeper into the world of generative AI tools, our central focus is to empower our employees, leveraging their unique skills to benefit our clients. We believe in the importance of human-led strategy, viewing AI that complements and amplifies, never replacing, human ingenuity, creativity, and expertise.

Our philosophy is grounded in a singular, straightforward principle: everything starts and ends with humans. This means ensuring our AI solutions are inclusive and accessible, catering to a diverse range of user needs.

We encourage our employees to take on the role of superheroes in our client stories, leading AI rather than being led by it. This involves creative exploration & experimentation, communicating potential pitfalls, and boldly pushing the boundaries where opportunities arise.

We also will always ensure the highest standards of quality and accuracy through the following:

  • Rigorous fact-checking
  • Testing
  • Meticulously reviewing our work.

Transparency is a core value at Overit. We strive to be transparent in all our work and with our clients. As we integrate AI into our operations, we remain committed to assessing and openly communicating any innovation, legalities, benefits, and value it brings to our work.

We believe in the power of creativity and engagement of humans, and while AI can assist in many ways, it cannot replicate the human experience.

We are committed to continuous improvement and responsible AI use. This involves regularly evaluating and educating our teams and clients. As we continue, our AI approach should evolve and adapt, always striving to deliver better results and experiences for our clients and the greater community.