OppositesConnect.com is a new online dating site that specializes in helping singles find love with their opposite. The online dating service is centered on the age-old concept of connecting soul mates based on opposite preferences.
Overit Media was hired to develop the site and the company’s branding. Upon launch, the site averaged hundreds of sign-ups daily and was a hit nationally with singles everywhere.
Following the launch of the brand, Overit’s PR group began its efforts by researching specific reporters and publications that cover the online dating industry. After compiling a comprehensive media list complete with local and national targets, we focused on reaching out to the blogosphere. There are numerous dating and relationship blogs on the web and that is where we wanted to begin generating initial coverage of the site’s launch. We focused the initial pitching around the premise that Opposites Connect is a new, one-of-a-kind online dating site promising to do something that no other site has ever done.
The primary goal for pre-launch was to drive up membership numbers by increasing awareness through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter and gaining media coverage through bloggers. We also agreed to create a viral campaign which was launched through YouTube.
Through our efforts, Opposites Connect gained media coverage on popular blogs such as: Single City Guy, Examiner, MENU Dating, and Huffington Post, etc. We also scheduled briefings with top-tier publications such as: Glamour Magazine, Men’s Health, Chicago Tribune, and Singular City Magazine, etc. We successfully placed our client on News Channel 13 as well as the popular PBS show “Help Wanted,” which aired all over NY State.
Example Coverage for Design to Pull From:
Is Your Better Half Your Opposite?
By: Lynya Floyd
August 31, 2010
Opposites Connect on Ask the Cyber Dating Expert
Cyber Dating Expert/Blog Talk Radio
By: Julie Spira
August 14, 2010
700WLW live radio appearance
Eddie and Tracy
August 12, 2010 5:10 PM EST
Ask the Cyber Dating Expert Radio Show With Opposites Connect
Cyber Dating Expert
By: Julie Spira
Clinton wedding has nation buzzing about interfaith relationships
Florida Times-Union
By: Jeff Brumley
August 8, 2010
Sure, opposites attract, but do they last?
The Nest
By: Samantha Leal
August 3, 2010
Dating site takes a contrary approach
San Jose Mercury News
Pick-up of Chicago Tribune article
July 26, 2010
Denver psychologist tells how to avoid profile pitfalls that sabotage online dating
Denver Post
By: Sheba Wheeler
July 15, 2010