
You Know You’re A Designer When…


As a Graphic Designer and Creative Strategist at Overit, I find myself quite at home with an incredibly creative group of people. Our designers help clients discover and develop their brands in an effective and resonating manner. Whether it’s creating a logo or a website, we work together to find powerful solutions while sharing our passion for good design.

Think you have what it takes to be a Designer? Here are a few tips to find out:

  • You have nightmares about kerning typography
  • You buy items in the store purely based on the nice packaging design
  • You have a Dribbble account
  • You can spot the difference between Helvetica and Arial in mere seconds
  • You shop
  • You can never unsee the arrow in the Fedex Logo
  • You can explain the difference between fuchsia and magenta
  • You can actually spell fuchsia
  • You are fairly fluent in Latin from using Lorem Ipsum text
  • You watch the Super Bowl just to analyze the commercials
  • You want to cry when people use Papyrus, Comic Sans or rainbow gradient sunbursts
  • You are easily distracted by shiny sparkly objects

What would you add to this list?