Out of Home Marketing
Outdoor marketing means talking to people outside of the computer.
Out of Home (OOH) advertising refers to any visual advertising found outside the home. It is the oldest form of advertising, and its effectiveness endures. Studies show that consumers, even the youngest generations, see Out of Home advertising to be more “relaxing” because of its broader target. OOH, advertising is no longer just about billboards. Today it includes posters, transit ads, airports, mobile billboards, building murals, and malls. It’s gone print, digital, and programmatic. These new formats account for thousands of locations and multiple variations and have given brands freedom to get creative pairing messages to location, design, and format.
Out of Home advertising is unskippable, unmissable, and un (ad) blockable. With the right size, location, and message, OOH ads will impact how consumers view a brand as it continues to resonate with them on their daily commutes.
At Overit, our in-house media buyers carefully choose Out of Home advertising placement, focusing on location, size, target demo, and message. The difference between a billboard, mall, or train station means everything for the creative and placement. Our expert team considers every one of those details for your campaign.
Pairing eye-catching creative with strategic targeting is what we do best. Let us help.