Alex Tancredi

VP of Operations

Alex Tancredi

VP of Operations

With a Journalism background, Alex is always questioning and always pushing to learn more. To dig deeper and uncover the true purpose behind an organization’s need. It’s with this passion to go beyond the surface that drives Alex’s ability to help Overit’s clients identify their most pressing marketing needs. He relies on innovative and value-based strategies to create relationships and pursue opportunities on Overit’s behalf. With the ability to connect and resonate with a variety of audience types… he acts as a sturdy bridge between the clients and the production staff at Overit in many ways.

Alex’s approach springs from the idea that marketing agencies can only be effective if they truly understand their client’s unique situation…cookie cutter should never be the solution to him. He specializes in walking clients through this discovery process and avoiding a catch-all approach that helps online ranking but only drives unqualified traffic and shrinks the bottom line.

On the weekends, you can find Alex on the lake in the Adirondacks with his wife, Rachel, and rescue dog, Ella, or in the Bronx with the rest of the bleacher creatures at Yankee Stadium.