Jeremy Evans
Jeremy Evans
Jeremy is known to spend hours, even days, at a time dedicating himself to one of his many passions – family, art, design, music, and philosophy. When he gets lost in the groove of studying a color scheme or the intricacies of fine hand-lettering, it’s almost impossible to pull him out of that meditative state.
In all of Jeremy’s work, he strives for greatness. His career initially began as recreation in 2008 when he decided to study design in his spare time. This led to co-founding a start-up in the summer of 2011, and he considered himself one of the lucky few whose passion became his career.
His obsession with art led him to Overit, where he now crafts thoughtful interfaces and beautiful user experiences to solve a variety of visual problems that clients face. You may also find him working on logos, brand assets, and graphics for print, videos, digital and so much more. He appreciates Overit’s collaborative environment which inspires him to see things from all different perspectives.