Mitch Smith

Senior Designer

Mitch Smith

Senior Designer

The year was 1999. The school was Catholic. The polo shirts were navy. The khakis were? khaki. The body was changing. Suddenly, there were new decisions to make. The first of which was an ill-informed one; sideburns. Glorious, hairy triangles adorned my face that screamed to my classmates, “Hey, look what I can do!” That was when I learned my first design lesson – just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Years later, I ended up in some sort of primitive Photoshop class in high school. I was hooked, and decided that all I ever really wanted to do was make things look rad. After a little bit of proper college learning, and hundreds of flyers and album layouts created for local artists, I landed in the print world. Specifically, I was developing identities and designing merchandise for approximately a bazillion bands. If you look hard enough, you can still spot my handiwork dotting the landscape of your local Hot Topic.

Eventually, the clouds parted. A glowing beam of light emerged, kissed me softly on the cheek, and whisked me away to my destiny at Overit. I now spend my days basking in the warm, creative glow of the greatest team assembled since The Mighty Ducks (the real Mighty Ducks, not the stupid NHL team). Oh, and I get to make things look rad.