You’ve decided you need a new website, now what? Thinking about designing a new website can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to begin. So from one friend to another we want to give you some pointers.

Have a strong domain name.
Having a strong, keyword-rich domain name will help you rank for SEO, make you look professional and give you the ability to move your site.
Make sure your website’s navigation is EASY.
Please the people! Make the information they want easily found. Nobody (myself included) wants to be searching on a website for more than a few seconds to find the content that I want.
Pages that load quickly.
Don’t make the people wait! Seriously, nothing is more annoying than an intro that takes fifteen seconds to load. Even if whatever is loading is cool, chances are most people are not going to watch it.
Good images.
Everything on your website is a reflection of you and your business so why shouldn’t it be the best? Junk/stock-looking/over-used photos will completely ruin even a well designed site.
Your content should be good and should be in line with your marketing strategy. Everything including your text needs to be part of the site’s overall strategy. Content needs to be broken down even further as SEO elements, such as page titles, formatted headlines and useful meta descriptions.
Did we help? We hope so! While this is merely the beginning of your website at least now we’ve got your wheels turning.