Get excited!
Next week is the week search marketers look forward to all year long – it’s Pubcon Las Vegas! The Overit team is super psyched as we’ll be attending Pubcon in a pretty big way this year. Keep reading to find out what we have going on, where you can find us, and how you can get involved.
There’s a lot here so you may want to grab a drink and a snack before continuing.
Catch The Liveblogging Olympics
We will be turning the Overit blog into your one-stop-shop for what’s happening at Pubcon next week. Overit’s Janae Quackenbush will be liveblogging sessions all day, bringing you the he-said-she-said of Pubcon straight to your door. We’re talking the good, the bad and the stuff she probably wasn’t supposed to reveal but did anyway (Oh, Janae!).
I (Lisa Barone) will also be at the event and offering liveblogging coverage as I’m known to do. I’ll be blogging on behalf of the Pubcon folks so you’ll find my coverage over there.
9:00am – 9:55am: Keynote: Scott Stratten [Lisa] [Janae]
10:10am – 11:20am: The Intersection of CRO and SEO
10:10am – 11:20am: Snapchat
11:25am – 12:30pm: Linkbuilding 2016
1:00pm – 1:45pm: Scott Monty: The Broken Promise of Digital [Lisa] [Janae]
3:10pm – 4:15pm: Remarketing
4:20pm -5:30pm: Psychographic Display for Successful Lead-Gen
8:00am – 8:45am: The Iron Man Breakfast Keynote Interview: Gary Illyes of Google and Eric Enge
9:00am – 9:55am: Keynote: Robert Scoble [Lisa] [Janae]
10:30am – 11:35am: Advanced Facebook Ad Techniques: How to Get the Biggest Bang for Your Buck
1:20pm – 2:10pm: Keynote: Debra Jasper – A Passion for Storytelling [Lisa] [Janae]
2:45pm – 3:50pm: How To Get Ready for Voice Search
3:55pm – 5:00pm: Social Virtual Reality [Lisa]
9:00am – 9:55am: Keynote: Gary Illyes from Google [Lisa] [Janae]
10:00am – 10:50am: Keynote: State of SEO/SEM 2016 with Bill Hunt [Lisa] [Janae]
11:00am – 12:00pm: Common SEO Myths and The Future of Search [Janae]
12:05pm – 1:05pm: Micro Moments [Lisa]
12:05pm – 1:05pm: Google Analytics Customization [Janae]
1:10pm – 2:15pm: A Guide to Conducting an SEO Audit and a Social Media Audit [Janae]
2:20pm – 3:25pm: Data Driven Marketing [Janae]
3:30pm – 4:30pm: Keynote – Jim Louderback: Optimizing Social Video for an Explosion of Platforms [Lisa] [Janae]
Think back to your last conference experience…
Do you remember sitting in a session and hearing a speaker say something so smart it blew your mind?
Or maybe they used a great analogy that you plan to steal when talking to prospects (or your boss).
Or they said something that is pretty funny taken out of context.
Or you weren’t even AT the conference but caught something on the Twitter stream you loved.
Now you can commemorate it.
The Overit team will be at Pubcon to hand-draw your favorite soundbites, quotables and mentions from the show. Just tweet them at us using the hashtag above and we’ll tweet you back a one-of-a-kind digital sketch to hold over your coworkers who weren’t cool enough to come.
You can also pick up our little gift to help you make your world more colorful and tranquil. Not sure what we mean? Swing by and find out.
Help us #sketchpubcon and have some fun!
Get Schooled On SEO Audits
Overit’s Jen Van Iderstyne will be speaking on Thursday’s panel; A Guide to Conducting an SEO Audit and a Social Media Audit from 1:10 to 2:15 in Salon H. She’ll be covering the SEO side of the conversation helping attendees’ to revitalize their site audit process. Her talk will provide tips, resources and insights on how to perform and document a meaningful site audit that results in an actionable long term strategy.
Knowing Jen, it’s bound to be both informative and colorful, so we encourage you to head over.
Walk the Red-ish Carpet
Speaking of SEO (and adding SEM), the fourth annual US Search Awards are happening on Wednesday October 12th at Caesar’s Palace. We’re excited to give a shout out to our SEO, PR and PPC teams whose collective efforts scored Overit a spot on the shortlist for “Best Integrated Campaign.” It’s Pubcon’s answer to the Oscars and a great excuse to re-use a prom dress.
Come Say Hi at Booth 507
Overit will be exhibiting at Pubcon this year. Find us at Booth 507 and quiz us on everything integrated marketing. Whether it’s PR, VR, SEO or another one of your most favorite acronyms, we’d love to talk about it. Or, just come say hi and let’s not talk about marketing at all. We’re on your booth Bingo card too so if you want a shot at the awesome collection of prizes we’ll help you build your momentum. Either way, we just want to meet you and make some new friends!